“A trading entity that manipulates funds, shares, and stock through sophisticated algorithms and AI.”


Artemus is a trading platform that trades based on AI and algorithms, the user starts with a set amount and leaves Artemus to do the work. The user can then leave Artemus run non stop or turn it off, and the user can leave Artemus running while away, just leaving the dashboard open.

Pain Points and Goals:

Since Artemus was just a running platform without interface or branding to begin with, the stakeholders’ need was to gain new users through a key landing page, which defined Artemus and it’s brand.

Key points were to identify who the target users would be at this stage, and how to get them to sign up to a free demo account to try out Artemus, and then also received rewards through a friend referall scheme.


We sat down to discuss the current users and did some short interviews to ask how they have been dealing with Artemus so far, and we decided to create some personas based on the findings and the stakeholders’ goals.

We came up with 4 different personas that depicted users from lower to a mid social class, users who wouldn’t necessarily know about trading, wouldn’t invest any money for trading, and don’t really have any funds easily available.

The goal was to make Artemus accessible to everybody, all social classes, a trading tool for everybody.

customer journey maps:

After going into depth about each persona, we had to analyze each of their discoveries of Artemus.

The main pain points were that the users had trust issues to start trading their own money, and felt Artemus was too intimidating in the sense that they only felt safe to stick to what they knew.

The users did show curiosity to try because of the hope to increase their money.

The aspect of a trial demo account resonated with this user group very well.

user flows:

The user flows helped to identify how each persona interacted with the landing page leading to signing up to the free demo account.

Problem statement:

After the user journey workshops we defined the problem statement:

“ Users need a way to easily sign up/learn how to use Arty so they can build trust and start trading on Arty with their own money. ”

how might we:

1. Make the info page clearer to the user to gain their trust?

2. Make the sign-up/registration process easier?

3. Make the demo training easier and more fun for the user to learn everything?

4. Convince the user to sign up to Arty after the demo for the real trading?


“ We believe that by creating a credible introduction to Arty (including information, Demo, sign-up) more users will start to sign up to Arty for real trading investing their own money.

We will see this once the number of users starts to increase after a specific amount of time. “


After defining the problem statement, we went on to create the first low-fi wireframes.

The design studio went from sketched wireframes, to lo-fi greyscale versions, to recolored wireframes for testing, and a focus on redesign of the currently most important area, the hero section.

competitor analysis:

The landing page of Transferwise was used as an inspiration for layout and color, it helped with the style guide which followed.


We came up with typography and meaningful colors.


The fonts chosen were Raleway Bold and Gotham Body: sans-serif, easily legible, modern yet serious and easily added to the code to the framework the Dev team was using.


Blues and Greens were chosen with a lime green pop color, and white for clarity and contrast. Blues were used because they represent loyalty and trust, important for a fintech product, and greens were used as well, which means wealth and tradition; the pop of lime green gave an additional value by meaning renewal and growth which was the Artemus’ goal for its users.


At first Artemus was being labeled as Arty, being a trading bot and approachable for its users, like a personal friend, but the question was Arty represents the entire Artemus brand for future times to come?What if Artemus expanded into developing additonal financial tools, and Arty was not going to be all of these tools?

Arty or Artemus is here the question

Arty or Artemus is here the question

tone of voice:

We were trying to capture Artemus’ personality to define the brand further, and it was getting clearer that Arty as a bot was not enough, to define the entire brand.

Screenshot 2021-01-21 at 17.07.40.png

keypoints about the brand:

We also went ahead and defined some of the keypoints about the brand Artemus:


  • a way for people to try to earn some additional income, with minimal involvement on their part

  • and that over time as people use and benefit from Arty's performance, users will likely start changing their spending and saving habits, ie. they will spend less to save more to put it back into Arty


  • is in the background, is operating all the time, when you sleep, when you eat, and it doesn't need your attention

  • is low risk medium rewards, is looking for a safer investment from the user

  • is powerful, 's a machine that performs exceptionally well, better than anything else out there available to normal people, it wants to convey worry free investment

  • is open and transparent, it doesn’t charge the user, there's no pricing, it's just profit share


  • Online banks and Artemus are both places where people will put some of their money in

  • both are places that offer features or benefits to get more money or use your money better

  • both are in the background and try to provide a worry free user experience

logo design:

After having interviewed users about the branding, it was decided that Artemus was to be the brand and not Arty as a robot entity:


  • the current user base are the 25k+ accounts, either that's potential 25k or realized 25k, and they care more about reliability and trust

  • working towards Artemus.ai as a brand which is the platform on which Artemus trades, Artemus being a collection of algorithms and systems, and Artemus.ai is the website on which clients can access Artemus

  • Artemus has the capacity to trade various instruments including CFDs, stocks, options, currencies, etc.


We looked at Siri as an inspiration to define Artemus and it’s logo, Siri being a digital assistant that uses a tone and language that signals empathy to the user as a way to build trust.

The Artemus logo was also incorporated the golden ratio, being the perfect trading tool of the moment.

Artemus Logo Design

Artemus Logo Design

We went from having an Arty bot logo to a sophisiticated Artemus logo.


Artemus.ai underwent a lot of Beta versions being modified through weekly sprints through A and B testing.

The areas that underwent the most change were the hero section and the performance graphs. An interactive performance graph was added to get users to interact and see Artemus increasing performance over the years whilst adding an element of fun to it. The user reviews were removes because Artemus was too new of a product to be rated, and instead, the bios of the CEO’s were added to bring the product closer to the user. The egg shape of the logo was incorporated throughout the entire design.

During that time the business needs have changed and Artemus have decided to steer away from the normal people personas, get rid of the demo account and target their current user case, who can actually start trading with a big sum of money. There was usability testing done with the current users, thus the pricing tables, the performance graphs, and other information have been altered. The FAQs have been shortened to appeal to the existing user and a hotjar tracker was added to observe landing page traffic.

But this was not the final landing design yet.

evolution of performance graph:

At first there was two graphs showing Artemus’ performance, but one of them of ascending while the bargraph was descending, which was confusing the user.

A new design was tried out but the user was too overwhelmed by the design-


Another feature that was requested by initial users was a performance calculator, with what they were able to calculate, how much they would make if they started with the X amount since Y date.

A big design success, a performance calculator, and an interactive graph were implemented and went through several design changes.

Followingly the performance calculator was redesigned in on a white base for better readability, and a profit graph was added to explain how much of their profit is being shared with Artemus.

At last the interactive Artemus performance graph was redesigned being benchmarked against World Equities and the BH Focus Fund.

pricing table evolution:

Artemus was offering 3 different products but wanted the user to sign up for the free demo account first. First low-fi wireframes were developped.

Followingly the tables were recolored into the brand colors, and the logo was added into the design.

When the business needs changed, the free demo was removed for now and so was the content for the pricing tables.


After some user testing the pricing tables were changed again, going back to offer a free trial for users, which was needed to generate new sign-ups, also benchmarking against other platforms.

hero illustrations:

Hero images underwent a series of design changes until the end showcasing the real physical product. Different styles were applied from line art to isomeric. As per user testing, the user felt abstract about the images being displayed, also commenting a dissociation from the product.

final landing design:

The page was recolored to match the logo better, and the content was upscaled and stylized.

interactive prototype:

Final Landing design

Final Landing design